Docs: Client

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-> interpreter : the db file interpreter, don't touch it if you don't know what you're doing;

-> tables : a list of tables in the database;


-> add_table(table_name: str, columns) : adds a table to the database. Example:

client.add_table("foo", bar=str, money=float)

User-defined classes are welcome into the table definition. Example:

class Foo:
  def__init__(self, name): = name

bar_table = client.add_table("bar", foo=Foo, number=int)
bar_table.add_row(foo=Foo("bar"), number=1)
row1 = bar_table.get_first(number=1)

# output: bar

Return: Table

-> remove_table(table_id: str) : it's like "add_table", but it removes a table from the database;

-> get_table(table_name: str) : gets a table by the name;

-> refresh() : updates all changes from the db file;

-> commit() : save changes to db;

-> async_commit() : (this method is a Coroutine) assyncronously save changes to db;